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Resources P.F.L.A.G. Families of Color: Latino Parents & Families of Lesbians and Gays New York City. www.pflagfamiliesofcolor.org A.V.P. (Anti-Violence Project): Confidential help and referrals 24hr hotline: 212-714-1141 www.avp.org Mano a Mano: e-mail network created to empower the LGBT Latino Community. ManoaMano Callen Lorde Community Health Center: is New York City's only primary health care center dedicated to meeting the health care needs of the LGBT community and people living with HIV/AIDS www.callen-lorde.org I.H.I (The Institute for Human Identity): Therapy services for the LGBT community. Sliding scales. Identity House - Providing low-fee counseling, therapy referrals, workshops, groups, and other support services to LGBT adults. www.identityhouse.org Latino Commission on AIDS:Free confidential HIV testing and referrals: www.latinoaids.org G.M.H.C. (Gay Men Health Crisis): Men, Women & Family Services: 212-367-1364 - www.gmhc.org G.A.L.D.E.: Gay & Lesbian Dominican Empowerment Organization. www.galde.org Love Sees No Borders: advocates on behalf of binational same-sex couples in trying to live in the Unites States. THEY ARE NOT a legal organization. www.loveseesnoborders.org N.C.L.R.: National Center for Lesbian Rights, Freedom to Marry: is the gay and non-gay partnership working to win marriage equality nationwide. Marriage Equality New York: is an all inclusive organization whose mission is to secure the right of all LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Transgender, Queer) couples to enter into legally recognized Civil Marriage with all the benefits and responsibilities that entails through education and promotion of awareness. www.marriageequalityny.org Immigration Equality: Immigration Equality G.L.A.A.D: The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. www.glaad.org Lambda Legal: Legal issues related to the LGBT Community Lambda Legal I.G.L.H.R.C: International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission |
Recursos P.F.L.A.G. Families of Color: Latino PFLAG de Nueva York - Padres y Familias de Lesbianas y Gays. www.pflagfamiliesofcolor.org A.V.P. (Projecto de anti-violencia doméstica): Confidencial, 24 horas al dia: 212-714-1141 www.avp.org Mano a Mano: Red de correos electrónicos creada para fortalecer a la comunidad Latina LGBT. ManoaMano Callen Lorde Community Health Center: Unico Centro Médico de Nueva York dedicado a la atención de personas de la comunidad LGBT www.callen-lorde.org I.H.I. (The Institute for Human Identity): Ofrece servicios de Terapia Psicológica a la comunidad LGBT. Cobran según su presupuesto. Identity House (Casa de Identidad): proveedores de consejeria a bajo costo, talleres, grupos y otros servicios de apoyo a la comunidad LGBT adulta. www.identityhouse.org Latino Commission on AIDS (La Comision Latina sobre el SIDA): prueba de HIV & y servicios para el SIDA gratis y confidenciales. www.latinoaids.org G.M.H.C. (Crisis de Salud de Hombres Gay): Servicios para Hombres, Mujeres y Familias 212-267-1364 www.gmhc.org G.A.L.D.E. : Grupo Gay
& Lésbico Dominicano. Love Sees No Borders (El Amor no vé Fronteras): lucha para mejorar los derechos de las parejas binacionales que tratan de vivir en los Estados Unidos .(NO SON una organización Legal). www.loveseesnoborders.org N.C.L.R.:National Center for Lesbian Rights Freedom to Marry (Libertad de Casarse): grupo enfocado a luchar a nivel nacional para que las personas LGBT y heterosexuales tengan los mismos derechos con respecto al matrimonio civil www.freedomtomarry.org Marriage Equality New York: Organización dedicada solamente a asegurar el acceso al matrimonio civil a parejas del mismo sexo. www.marriageequalityny.org Immigration Equality (Igualdad Migratoria): G.L.A.A.D. (Alianza Gay y Lésbica Contra la Difamación): www.glaad.org en Español Lambda Legal: Organización que provee respuestas legales a la comunidad LGBT. Lambda Legal I.G.L.H.R.C (Comisión Internacional de los Derechos Humanos para Gays y Lesbianas): www.iglhrc.org/site/spanish |
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